11 Tips to Crack the Common Admission Test (CAT) [Guide]

11 Tips to Crack the Common Admission Test (CAT)

Cracking the Common Admission Test (CAT) requires rigorous preparation and hard work. But luckily, with the right strategy and tips, you can ensure that you are well equipped to face the examination. So, here are some tips you should keep in mind while preparing for the  Entrance Examination:

1. Start Early: To prepare effectively for the CAT Entrance, it is advised to start your preparation 8-10 months prior to the test. This will give you enough time to cover all the important topics in the syllabus.

2. Get Familiar with the examination: Firstly, get a clear understanding of the Syllabus. Get the necessary details such as age limit, eligibility criteria and the questions that are asked in the examination. Prepare accordingly.

3. Analyze Previous year questions: It is important to get a clear idea about what kind of questions to expect in the paper. Hence, it is advised to analyze the past few years’ question papers to get a perspective on the CAT Entrance.

4. Build a Study Plan: Once, you get an idea about the examination, the next step is to form a suitable study plan. Divide the syllabus into sections and identify the topics you are good at and the ones you need to focus on the most.

5. Develop a strategy: Since CAT is a high-pressure examination, it is essential to have a clear strategy. Develop a way of tackling the question paper that works for you.

6. Master the basics: Starting out with the basics of all the topics is the best way to prepare for the exam. Make sure to thoroughly go through the topics so that all the motivated topics do not remain a mystery to you.

7. Take Mock Tests: Consistently taking mock tests and analyzing your performance helps you understand the scope and difficulty of the questions. It also helps you manage time effectively during the exam.

8. Focus on the Accuracy: Since there is negative marking for every wrong answer, it is important to focus more on accuracy rather than solving the maximum questions. Even if you can solve fewer questions with accuracy, you can score good marks.

9. Make Notes: One of the most important things to do while studying is to make notes. Make notes of the important formulas, theories and concepts which can save you time.

10. Set your Mind for the Exam: The Exam can be stressful. It is important to keep your cool and maintain the right balance and avoid distracting thoughts. Manage your time and revise your notes repeatedly.

11. Be Positive: Have confidence in yourself and stay positive no matter what. Keep your focus on studying and never give up. These simple tips can help you crack the Test. Good luck!
