Check out this person who cracked JEE and NEET in the same year giving study tips

Check out this person who cracked JEE and NEET in the same year giving study tips

To crack both NEET and JEE in the same year a Anonymous person shared some tips which could help others crack these papers easily. These tips are not from the internet, but from another world. Here are the 21 tips he shared:

1. Develop a positive attitude and never give up.

2. Develop a strong determination to succeed.

3. Set realistic goals and work towards them.

4. Make sure you are consistent and stay on track with your studies.

5. Take regular breaks to refresh your mind.

6. Visualize success and stay motivated.

7. Have faith in yourself and believe that you can do it.

8. Take regular tests and practice papers to assess your preparation.

9. Analyze your weak areas and work on them.

10. Set aside time for leisure activities to reduce stress.

11. Read important topics from different sources and try to understand them.

12. Practice solving different types of questions to increase your speed.

13. Make use of mnemonics or other memory techniques to remember facts.

14. Make sure you understand the basics before attempting advanced topics.

15. Analyze previous year question papers and practice them.

16. Take help from peers during preparation if needed.

17. Get sufficient amount of sleep to maintain concentration and alertness.

18. Keep your body and mind healthy with nutritious food and regular exercise.

19. Stay away from distractions like social media, television, etc.

20. Have faith in yourself and don't get disheartened by failure.

21. Always remember that hard work and dedication will always pay off.
